Born In:
1941 - 81 years old
1953 - 69 years old
1965 - 57 years old
1977 - 45 years old
1989 - 33 years old
2001 - 21 years old
2013 - 9 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Don't feel like working hard, and won't be busy at work.
Major Lucky Stars:
San Tai (三台)、 Guo Yin (國印) - Enhancement of social status and position.
Major Unlucky Stars:
Tai Yin (太陰) - Prone to have strong support from females, including: female supervisors, work colleagues, staff, clients, etc.
San Xing (三刑) - Torturing the presiding god, prone to have numerous gossips and disputes.
Liu Hai (六害) - Poking/harming the presiding god, prone to have some gossips.
Wealth / Career:
Don't feel like working hard in 2022. With the unlucky stars of San Xing (三刑) and Liu Hai (六害), prone to have numerous gossips and disputes that would negatively affect the career and income.
Not advisable to take aggressive approach and make changes in 2022.
Torturing and poking the presiding god, prone to have numerous gossips and disputes which are likely to have negative impacts on relationship.
Torturing and poking the presiding god, prone to have accidents and injuries to the face, tooth, leg, and thigh, etc. Could avoid any serious injuries by donating blood or having a dental clean-up.
Prone to have accidents and injuries in the months of conflicts in February, May and November.
Torturing and poking the presiding god, prone to have numerous gossips and disputes.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: