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Fortune of Dog in 2022

Born In:

1946 - 76 years old

1958 - 64 years old

1970 - 52 years old

1982 - 40 years old

1994 - 28 years old

2006 - 16 years old

2018 - 4 years old

(Source of Image: Internet)

General Forecast:

  • Year of power and position.

  • In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.

Major Lucky Stars:

  • Hua Gai (華蓋) - Star of art and creativity

Major Unlucky Stars:

  • Hua Gai (華蓋) - Star of loneliness

  • Bai Hu (白虎), Fei Lian (飛廉) are very weak that unlikely to create any significant negative impacts on you.

Wealth / Career:

  • In year of power and position, wealth would increase in association with the enhancement of power and position.


  • In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god, unlikely to have any big health issues.


  • In union with presiding god. With better relationship with others in 2021, unlikely to have gossips.

Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles:

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