Born In:
1944 - 78 years old
1956 - 66 years old
1968 - 54 years old
1980 - 42 years old
1992 - 30 years old
2004 - 18 years old
2016 - 6 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Year of wealth. Entrepreneurs and self-employed with variable income would definitely make more money in 2022.
In conflicts with the presiding god, things tend to be chaotic. Prone to have changes in relationship, career, accommodation.
Torturing the presiding god. Prone to have numerous gossips and disputes.
Major Lucky Stars:
Tian Jie (天解)、Di Jie (地解) - Could turn misfortune to become fortune. Reducing the negative impacts caused by the Unlucky Stars.
Yi Ma (驛馬) - Prone to have re-locations or opportunity to work/travel to overseas.
Major Unlucky Stars:
Sui Po (歲破) - In conflicts with the presiding god, things tend to be chaotic.
Xie Ren (血刃) – Prone to have injuries caused by sharp metal objects.
Fu Chen (浮沉) – Circling around the same spot without breakthrough.
Wealth / Career:
In conflicts with the presiding god, prone to have changes in career.
Prone to have expenditure. This might be the expenditure for re-location and getting marry which caused by the conflicts with the presiding god.
In year of Yi Ma (驛馬), prone to have the opportunity to work in overseas
In conflicts with the presiding god, prone to have changes in relationship. Opportunity for the singles to start a relationship. Opportunity for those already in a relationship to get marry. The relationship is likely to end if not getting marry in 2022. Opportunity for the married to conceive a child.
In conflicts with the presiding god with unlucky star of Xie Ren (血刃), prone to have accidents and injuries caused by sharp metal objects especially in the months of conflicts in February and August 2022.
Could avoid any serious injuries by donating blood or having a dental clean-up.
In conflicts with and torturing the presiding god, prone to have numerous gossips and disputes.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: