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Fortune of Rooster in 2019

Born In:

1933 - 86 years old

1945 - 74 years old

1957 - 62 years old

1969 - 50 years old

1981 - 38 years old

1993 - 26 years old

2005 - 14 years old

2017 - 2 years old

(Source of Image: Internet)

General Forecast:

  • Year of learning and investment.

Major Lucky Stars:

  • Wen Chang (文昌) - Prone to have good achievement in learning and studying.

Major Unlucky Stars:

  • Tian Gou (天狗)、Diao Ke (吊客)、De Sha (的煞)、Zai Sha (災煞) are very weak that unlikely to create any significant negative impacts on you.


  • Year of learning and investment. No matter whether it is for learning or investment, the outgoings in 2019 would increase.


  • Year of learning and investment. With the positive effect of Wen Chang (文昌), prone to have good achievement in learning and developing new skills. White collar would benefit most.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and not in the year of good relationship, relationship tend to be stable in 2019.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of sickness, unlikely to have any big health issues.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of gossip, unlikely to have any gossips.

Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles:

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