Born In:
1937 - 85 years old
1949 - 73 years old
1961 - 61 years old
1973 - 49 years old
1985 - 37 years old
1997 - 25 years old
2009 - 13 years old
2021 - 1 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Year of power and position.
Ox was offending the presiding god in 2021. The possible changes in relationship, career, accommodation caused by the offence would extend to the first half of 2022.
Major Lucky Stars:
Hong Luan (紅鸞) - Star of relationship which enhances the luck for relationship. Also, increasing the chance for the singles to start a relationship.
Mo Yue (陌越) - Enhancement of position .
Major Unlucky Stars:
Bing Fu (病符) - Prone to have minor health issues.
Sui Sha (歲煞) 、 Gua Su (寡宿) are very weak that unlikely to create any significant negative impacts on you.
Wealth / Career:
In year of power and position, wealth would increase in association with the enhancement of power and position.
With the positive effect from the lucky star of Mo Yue (陌越), those who are employed would have opportunity for job promotion. Entrepreneurs and self-employed would have the opportunity to establish their reputations in the industry.
With the positive effect of Hong Luan (紅鸞) , prone to have good relationship and support from others that assist to develop your career or business.
In year of good relationship, singles should make use of this opportunity to join more social activities to meet new people.
No conflicts with the presiding god, unlikely to have any big health issues.
The star of sickness, Bing Fu (病符), would only cause minor health issues.
In year of good relationship. No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of gossip, unlikely to have any gossips.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: