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Fortune of Monkey in 2019

Born In:

1932 - 87 years old

1944 - 75 years old

1956 - 63 years old

1968 - 51 years old

1980 - 39 years old

1992 - 27 years old

2004 - 15 years old

2016 - 3 years old

(Source of Image: Internet)

General Forecast:

  • Year of learning and investment

  • Poking/harming the presiding god, prone to have some gossips.

Major Lucky Stars:

  • Tian De (天德) - Could turn misfortune to become fortune. Reducing the negative impacts caused by the Unlucky Stars.

  • Fu Xing (福星) - Prone to have good support from others.

Major Unlucky Stars:

  • Liu Hai (六害) - Poking/harming the presiding god, prone to have some gossips.

  • Jie Sha (劫煞) - Likely to lose money because of friends. Could try to avoid to lend money to friends or be a loan guarantor for the friends.

  • Pi Ma (披麻) - Parents and elders in the family are prone to have health issues.


  • Year of learning and investment. No matter whether it is for learning or investment, the outgoings in 2019 would increase.

  • With the negative effect of the unlucky star, Jie Sha (劫煞), prone to lose money because of friends.


  • Year of learning and investment, opportunities in learning and developing new skills.


  • Poking/harming the presiding god, prone to have some gossips which would have negative impact on relationship.


  • Poking/harming the presiding god, prone to have health issues related to the kidney, bladder, urinary system. Females are prone to have issues related to gynopathy.


  • Poking/harming the presiding god, prone to have some gossips.

Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles:

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