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Fortune of Horse in 2020

Born In:

1942 - 78 years old

1954 - 66 years old

1966 - 54 years old

1978 - 42 years old

1990 - 30 years old

2002 - 18 years old

2014 - 6 years old

(Source of Image: Internet)

General Forecast:

  • Year of power and position.

  • In conflicts with the presiding god, things tend to be chaotic. Prone to have changes in relationship, career, accommodation.

Major Lucky Stars:

  • Nil.

Major Unlucky Stars:

  • Sui Po (歲破) - In conflicts with the presiding god, things tend to be chaotic.

  • Da Hao (大耗) - Prone to have big expenditure or financial losses.

  • Tian Ku (天哭) - Prone to have negative emotions, and would cry for small matters.

Wealth / Career:

  • Prone to have big expenditure or financial losses caused by the unlucky star, Da Hao (大耗). This might be the expenditure for re-location which caused by the conflicts with the presiding god.

  • In year of power and position and in conflicts with the presiding god, prone to have changes in career.


  • In conflicts with the presiding god, prone to have changes in relationship. Opportunity for the singles to start a relationship. Opportunity for those already in a relationship to get marry. The relationship is likely to end If not getting marry in 2020. Opportunity for married to conceive a child.


  • In conflicts with the presiding god, prone to have accidents and injuries especially in the months of conflicts in June and December.

  • Could avoid any serious injuries by donating blood or having a dental clean-up.


  • In conflicts with the presiding god, prone to have numerous gossips and disputes.

Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles:

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