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Fortune of Horse in 2019

Born In:

1930 - 89 years old

1942 - 77 years old

1954 - 65 years old

1966 - 53 years old

1978 - 41 years old

1990 - 29 years old

2002 - 17 years old

2014 - 5 years old

(Source of Image: Internet)

General Forecast:

  • Year of power and position.

Major Lucky Stars:

  • Zi Wei (紫微)、Long De (龍德) - Prone to have strong support from others.

  • Lu Xun (祿勳) - Enhancement of position

  • Di Jie (地解) - Could turn misfortune to become fortune. Reducing the negative impacts caused by the Unlucky Stars.

Major Unlucky Stars:

  • Bao Bai (暴敗)、Tian E (天厄) are very weak that unlikely to create any significant negative impacts on you.


  • In year of power and position, wealth would increase in association with the enhancement of power and position.


  • In year of power and position, good career prospect with the enhancement of power and position.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and not in the year of good relationship, relationship tend to be stable in 2019.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of sickness, unlikely to have any big health issues.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of gossip, unlikely to have any gossips.

Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles:

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